

Investing for results

Apex International continue to invest a large amount of time and money evaluating and purchasing current state-of the-art equipment to ensure that we get the best possible results from our operatives at all times.


Our hi-tech surveillance equipment includes remote control, infra-red and undetectable miniature cameras and microphones for close personal work.

In conjunction with our high-tech audio and video surveillance equipment we are able to produce incontrovertible evidence of the legitimacy, or otherwise, of a claimant’s real condition or circumstances.

Vehicle tracking

Vehicle location is done using the latest vehicle tracking equipment.

Local, national and international

Based on the south coast of England, Apex International operates throughout England, UK and internationally.

Here to help wherever we are needed. Serving:

  • Avon
  • Isle of Wight
  • Oxfordshire
  • Sussex East
  • Bristol
  • Kent
  • Somerset
  • Sussex West
  • Dorset
  • London
  • Surrey
  • Wiltshire
  • Hampshire
  • England
  • UK and beyond